For today’s blog I’m stepping away from the Book of John to talk about something that I think is very important to the Christian experience: Hearing from God. As a Bible teacher, I get asked the question repeatedly: how do I know when God has spoken to me?
There are certain things that are important to understand when considering the phenomenon of hearing from God.
1. Jesus said if we’re His, we’ll hear from Him and follow Him (John 10:27.) No question that if we’re believers, we will hear from God. The Greek word akouo translated ‘hear’ in the KJV of the Bible literally means “endowed with the faculty of hearing; not deaf.”
When you became a Christian you didn’t stop hearing or seeing, if you came with vision and hearing. You didn’t enter into some zone where you only heard from God—that would make you weird.
But your ability to hear became heightened—now you’re able to hear directly from God. Yes, I mean literally and physically hear from God. I have heard from God in both an audible voice (in my ear) and a voice within my spirit: you would say “in my head.” The Holy Spirit nudges us and we pay attention, then we hear.
I don’t know the logistics of how God does this in us—He’s God and He’s big and can do as He wants! But there are some things I’ve noticed He does as I have lived out my faith in Him.
2. The voice of God is always in line with the Word of God. No one who claims God told them to act contrary to God’s Word hears from God. A friend of mine went to buy a car and told the salesman she was a Christian. The salesman said he was one, too, and then told her the Lord said she should buy the car. She left that car lot quickly! She knew that the wisdom that comes from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield; full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy (James 3:17.) If you wonder whether you should do something, check to see if it’s in line with the Word first. This guy was just trying to make a sale; although my friend did need a car, she needn’t spend the kind of money that particular car was going to cost. He wasn't willing to yield, he wasn't thinking of her (full of mercy.) God’s Word tells us to be good stewards of our resources. If you're spending time in the Word of God, you will know Him and His Word and not be deceived by those who would try to take advantage of you.
3. God uses our world, and everything in it, to speak to us. My Aunt Betsy was watching television when a commercial came on for Cheerios. At the time they were showing the cereal bounce back up from when it was pushed down by the spoon. It came on four or five times, when Aunt Betsy said, “Lord, what are you telling me here?” She heard Him tell her she was just like the cereal; she always “bounced back.”
At the time things were pretty hard for her, and this word was encouraging to her. She knew that although she’d been through trials, she’d soon feel like her old self again. God can use whatever He wants to—even television—to speak to us.
4. God will encourage you through others, but He wants to speak directly to you as well. He wants the time with you, the relationship with you. If you'll take the time to be with Him, especially in His Word, He's going to speak to you more clearly.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20.)
Most Christians struggle with spending time with God. I saw a study in the paper today that said most people (85 %!) who come to church only get contact with God at church. They don’t open their Bible and read it. They don’t attend services during the week. They go to church and enjoy the worship and listen to the sermon, but they don’t do any personal worship on days other than Sunday.
My heart breaks when I think that most of my brothers and sisters sitting in the seats next to mine aren’t getting fed apart from that contact. God’s heart breaks, too! He said to His church—if anyone would just open the door and let me in, we could fellowship with each other! He wants the fellowship.
Do you take the time to know Him? How's your relationship with the Lord today? There is no condemnation on you if you’re reading this and haven’t been spending time with the Lord. I want to encourage you to take the time right now. Maybe a Facebook fast is in order (as some of my FB friends are doing.) Maybe a television fast, or an internet fast. Maybe you need some time to rediscover the love God has for you, and how to hear from Him. Making time for God in your life will “bless your socks” as my friend Janette likes to say (with an English accent!)
Dear Father,
I lift up my church family to you right now, and ask that you would speak to everyone who reads this blog in a special way through it as they do. Please give each of us a certainty that You want to speak to Your children. Help us to be able to take the time to read and understand Your Word. Lord, I ask for a renewed excitement for the things of God. I pray that the fellowship they enjoy with You will be precious, and that they will become overwhelmed with joy as they do so.
Love, Your Daughter,
I’d love it if you’d write back and tell me how things are going with you and the Lord! Tell me if you’ve heard from God in a special way, or if you were encouraged through His word in a way that made your day. You’ll be an encouragement to others as you share!
Serving Him in Encouragement,
WOW! Donna I have been asked alot this last year from several people about hearing God's voice &just the other day this thought popped in my head that I should journal about this topic & post it on my blog then e-mail it to the family & friends, brothers& sisters in Christ that have asked me. Of course I said God am I equipped to do that and he said in a audible voice in m ear Yes my daughter. So this really blew me away that God had spoke to your heart to post about the same Topic. So that was my second confirmation. I love they way you explained it! XO <3