Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't Be Afraid

Jesus Walks on the Water
 16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. 18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed about three or four miles,[b] they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened. 20 But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” 21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.

It was after the feeding of the five thousand.  Jesus had gone off alone, and the disciples waited for him until evening.  They decided Jesus wasn't coming back, so they left.  

They'd rowed out 3-4 miles and they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water.  They thought He was a ghost.  Matthew records this incident in chapter 14, 22-33.  He said to them, "I am" if it were translated literally.  I AM is the name of YHWH, the tetragrammaton (Greek: word with four letters.)  We get "Yahweh" or Jehovah from it.  

There are seven "I AM" statements in John: I am the Light of the world, I am the Bread of Life, further in John 6; I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Resurrection and the Life, and I am the True Vine.  They are all in John; I'll leave it to you to search them out.

Matthew's version records the storm that occurred that night.  He tells us that during that time, Jesus calmed the sea,  but first Jesus calmed His disciples.  I thought about my own life, and how God doesn't always calm the storm first.  He wants me to trust Him, to let Him calm my own heart.  

When I was young, my dad had some problems.  He had a tendency to leave a situation rather than face the issues.  He left my mother several times--a total of 11 times--while I lived at home.  I recall once that we came home from church and found that Dad had gone.  My mother started to cry, and we all huddled around her, crying with her.  

Parents should always consider the children first, being careful to present a calm demeanor.  But Mom had been through a great deal, and was unable to hide her feelings.    

My sister looked up at our mother and asked, "Mommy, are we poor?"  

Mom said, "Yes, honey, I guess we are."

There was a sense of surprise in her voice; we had always known God would take care of us, and had never really known want.  Dad was a good provider.  And even though Dad had left, we still knew we could count on God taking care of us.  But Mom was in shock.

I think that incident affected my sister, affected all of us.  So I asked the Lord what He might say to us, to comfort us in that fear that we would be left without provision.  I think it still lingers in our hearts.  

Maybe you're struggling through a storm right now.  Have you been afraid?  Jesus wants to calm that storm, but first He is concerned about you.  He loves you and will take care of you, but He wants us to trust Him.  

As I listened, I felt that the Lord would say to us:

My Dear Daughters,

        Don't be afraid.  I am with you.  I know all about you, your 

struggle against fear of the future, and that you yearn for 

acceptance.  I accept you and love you.  Your sweet spirits, your 

gentle hearts--these come from Me. They are a reflection of My 

love and work in your life.  I love who you are, my daughters.

Don't be afraid.  I will not abandon you.  I will never leave 

you or forsake you.
I saw your fears when your father left you and your mother 

wept in pain and frustration.  I saw you watching her and the hope 

and trust leaving your soul.  I wept over you, over the sorrow and 

anguish you felt then.  I felt it too.

Though your father and mother forsake you, my children, I 

will never forsake you.  This is my promise to you.  I am your 

Hope.  I am your Shepherd, and you shall not want.  I give you 

green pastures.  Not only do I provide for you, but I do so liberally 

and freely.  My bread is free and so is My milk and the honey: the 

best price!  

I am your Shepherd.  I lead you beside My still waters.  

Come to Me and find rest for your weary souls.  I would have you 

to be refreshed in Me.  Come.  There is no fear in My love for you.  

Be at rest and at peace in Me.  I love you!

Your Good Shepherd,


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